EYEHATEGOD band canceled concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev

Today it became known about the cancellation of EYEHATEGOD concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev.
"It is not easy to talk about it, but we are forced to cancel the last three shows of the tour in Kiev, Saint-Petersburg and Moscow, and urgently leave Europe and fly home in the US. We understand that this does not justify us, but if we're not back home now, we'll have to wait 30 days until the U.S. border is open once again. During the whole European tour we were hoping for the best, but every day things were getting worse, and trump announced the closure of international borders has caused a real panic. Our families worry about us and now we must be with them. We again apologize to all of our Russian and Ukrainian fans and hope for your understanding! We will make every effort to see you as soon as possible again!"