CHILDREN OF BODOM 16 October in Nizhny Novgorod!

The flagships of Finnish metal scene and the most successful band in the world in the style of melodic death metal – Children of Bodom gorgeous drive in Nizhny Novgorod! On 16 October on the stage of the Milo Concert Hall the legendary Finns will present their new album "Hexed" and, of course, will play their best fighters! Without attention there will be no one song from the Golden Fund of the group!
Great truck, brand scenery, tons of sound and light - that's the most modest scenario of this exclusive concert!
Its unusual name of the band Children of Bodom borrowed from the horror stories of the unsolved murder of three teenagers that occurred on 5 June 1960 at lake Bodom, near the Finnish capital. The band's songs contain references to various horror films and thrillers: "a Nightmare on elm street," "the exorcist", "children of the corn", "twin Peaks" and also to the mystical television series and crazy TV shows. Some tracks use quotes, other sound fragments, depicting surreal paintings on canvas and high-speed heavy music CoB.
On the classification of the genre of Children of Bodom and to this day, the debate continues between the fans and critics who consider the group to such styles as melodic death metal, power metal, speed metal, thrash metal... the band's Frontman Alexi Laiho prefers to define the band's style as "just metal" and nothing else.
What fans love the music of Children of Bodom, remains unchanged over the last two decades is the pace and rhythm, brutal vocals and driving guitar riffs, combining melodic and technical solo of the party.
In 2019 year Children of Bodom present their new, 10th album the album "Hexed" will be released in March.