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ЭлектропартиZаны is the business card of the cultural underground of St. Petersburg, the New Underground. The band plays noise guitar rock with psychedelic and hard-social lyrics - punk rock for those who are thinking about the environment and is not afraid to look truth in the eye.

"Punk rock in our music used as a form of social protest, and not as crazy funny. We are not hoodlums and rebels, the representatives informed of the riot, suggesting to make the world better, not just to come to the concert for intoxication, and then to leave the places assigned to us all by the system", says Vadim Kurylev, the Creator, the mastermind and songwriter ЭлектропартиZаны.

Vadim Kurylev – cult Petersburg musicians, multiinstrumentalist. He has his own, highly distinctive, the idea of music and poetry, he is infinitely free, he goes beyond any limits.
And, perhaps most importantly, he manages to maintain a balance between the protest spirit of rock-n-roll and the desire of a true artist to change the world.

Get involved! Electricity enough for everyone!

Rock and Road (Pochainskaya street, 21, Nizhny Novgorod) || Start 20.00 || Tickets from 500 rubles.
