The best spring concert Picnic can only be two spring concert Picnic!

The best spring concert Picnic can only be two spring concert Picnic!
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Group "picnic" will perform on 6 and 7 March 2020 in the club "1930 Moscow", the concerts will be held exhibition of paintings by Edmund Shklyarskiy

The best spring concert Picnic can only be two spring concert Picnic!

March 6 and 7, the band will play two completely different programs in the Moscow club "1930Moscow". 6 the number of students waiting for the traditional spring program, and the track listing performances March 7 will be in the hands of the audience – it will be a request concert.

All the secrets of the musicians yet to disclose in a hurry. Picnic likes to surprise, so be patient – and surprises won't keep you waiting!

Concerts, of course, is not without business cards Picnic: this is the most well-known songs, and characters, which one by one appear on stage (Quasimodo, Neon knight, the Doll with a human face), and incredible musical instruments – the light hyperboloid, live cello and more.

But that's not all the presents for the fans! In the days of the concerts on the veranda of the club will host an exhibition of paintings by Edmund Shklyarskiy. Work the leader of group "picnic" visitors will see a truly "gigantic" scale.

"With the help of latest technologies set a goal to increase to giant size not only paintings but also the viewers of this exhibition. So far managed to implement only the first part of the plan", – intriguing musician.

However, every visitor will be able to present yourself as a real giant. Entrance to the exhibition is free, but concert tickets we offer you to buy right now.

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