Voice of Omerika on February 29 in St. Petersburg

Voice of Omerika on February 29 in St. Petersburg
Start date:
Концертное агенство:

Golos Omeriki in Saint-Petersburg!

Moscow band who prefer to call themselves cabaret and has no analogues on the Russian stage. "ALCO-chanson-glamour-punk"- so the participants themselves define their style. In the songs they make fun of misfits, everyday problems and human weakness. The morality of poems and songs is that to act like the heroes, lead a similar way of life in any case impossible; thus, "Golos Omeriki" is a bad advice G. Oster in musical form, addressed to youth and adults. In comic form, black and sometimes even bawdy humor often hides the tragic essence — the vast majority of songs there is no "happy ending". Extraordinary, bold and drawing attention the project will not leave indifferent anybody - he is either interest or disapproving reaction from untrained listeners, there is no third.

Under the cheerful punk-reasons for the accordion, violin and guitar guys will present their new album "Sport" and as always, the most powerful songs.

Group meetings: