An accident on August 30 at the Green theatre ENEA. THE CAPITAL CITY OF MY JOY

An accident on August 30 at the Green theatre ENEA. THE CAPITAL CITY OF MY JOY

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Moscow group "Accident" was founded in 1983, their debut and now classic album "Electrodes Pludov" - released in 1994. Since then, the "Accident" - a reliable, pleasant, and sometimes a constant life-affirming popular music in the Russian language and the events of 2020, it confirmed more than once.

In February the group released 11th Studio album, "In the city of Lzhedmitri" - a collection of songs composed for the same performance (for anybody not a secret that the "Accident" and the theater - a marriage made in heaven). In spring, when stuck in four walls, the band launched the self-isolation brightened up the project "Music in quarantine".

Well, at the end of summer "Accident" one of the first ones out of the massive shadow of what is known - with a big concert at the Green theatre ENEA, a special program which is uplifting the name of "the Capital city of my joy" (fans will remember one of her business cards, "the Song about Moscow").
