On "INVASION" - on wheels

On "INVASION" - on wheels
Photo source:
Press service

On "INVASION" - on wheels: "the Russian motor club" will provide assistance to vehicle owners at the festival

"The adventure of the year" becomes even more comfortable! All drivers and motovational arrived on "INVASION" 2019, in Parking lots will see bright yellow cars "of the Russian motor club"! Federal assistance service on the roads, FRAME in full combat readiness and will quickly come to the aid of the guest of the festival when you experience the problems with a personal vehicle.

On a site from the Leningrad highway to the venue of the festival, and on all the Parking spaces around the clock, from the moment of arrival, from 18 to 21 July will be on duty mechanics FRAME with a full set of equipment to provide different breakdown:

∙ If the car does not start and the battery is completely dead, the tow truck will arrive with equipment for starting the engine;

∙ If the puncture or damage of the wheels, the mechanic will replace the spare wheel on regular or dostatochnoe, or will provide minor repairs on site;

∙ In the case where the gas tank is empty, FRAME will bring any type of fuel;

∙ If the keys were locked in the cabin or the trunk of a car, the specialist FRAME will make an emergency autopsy quickly, professionally, and without damage;

∙ If the work cannot be done on site, can be ordered rapid evacuation in case of breakage or in case of an accident, but for an additional fee.

In 2019 "the adventure of the year" celebrates its 20th anniversary, which coincided with the 10th anniversary FRAME. On this significant occasion "Russian Automotor" added the option hour phone consultations auto mechanics (minor faults you can fix yourself by following the clear instructions) and remote legal assistance on the design of the Euro Protocol in an accident.

To obtain legal advice or assistance mechanics FRAME the visitors of the festival you just need to call a single toll-free number: 8-800-250-72-62.

From 2017, the tickets for the festival are inscribed, and you can only buy them on the website www.nashestvie.ru.


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