Listeners of Our Radio experience leading to "weak"

Listeners of Our Radio experience leading to "weak"
Photo source:
Press service

Monday, September 23 broadcast of Our Radio entertainment starts a new challenge

"And we weak?", designed to make a positive and diversity in OUR autumn routine.

Every time you select "standby master", who will be asked to perform one of the 4 extreme behavior. Nothing outrageous, but fun-job. For example, one can think of: go in a costume of a hot dog on the Boulevard ring; walk through the diner and ask people to buy serving dishes; to sing in the train with the column song.

Our listeners vote for something or other "act or act", and next weekend "duty moderator" should do...

The first lucky one who will wear the watch will be Alexander Bon! Don't miss the broadcast of Our radio premiere of the new action "And we dare you"!


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