Disco Dicks come to Ekaterinburg!

17 November at 18.00 in the Public market at the Yeltsin center will be a lecture from the participants of the German-Dutch Duo DiscoDicks, Tutors project UralMusicCamp, with expert discussion tracks the Ural musicians.
Stefan Wandel (Germany) and Rothermeres (Holland), graduates of the Pop Academy Baden-württemberg, pre-listen the tracks and in the lecture together with musicians and listeners will disassemble and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the identified content. Completely familiar format of the meeting the music community for Europe, but new for Yekaterinburg.
The lecture will be held in English with simultaneous translation.
Admission is free, pre-registration: https://pclad.timepad.ru/event/1110952/
The lecture is part of the open programme UralMusicCamp educational side-project of the Ural festival Night of Music. The organizers plan to hold a series of various lectures and round tables for all interested and immersed in the field of popular music and the music industry. The main program of the project will be held from 6 to 13 March and will be held in the format of camps for musicians. Throughout the week, participants will be able to create music bands, write and record in the Studio for new music and present a program at the final concert. The direction of the music business in practice develop a strategy for development and promotion of a musical group.