Plus two! "OUR Radio" and Radio JAZZ FM expand regional broadcasting
In Roskomnadzor ended with a meeting of the Federal tender Commission for television and radio broadcasting, the results of which the victory was celebrated by two radio stations "Media holding". So, "NASHE Radio" has received the right to carry out terrestrial broadcasting on the frequency 95.4 MHz in Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk oblast), Radio JAZZ FM - the frequency and 89.8 MHz in Tver (Tver oblast).
"NASHE Radio" listen to 18 million people monthly in more than 100 cities of Russia. The radio leads a very active life. Leading throughout the day to address different questions and issues. Every day something changes. A lot is of special projects in the broadcast. This morning and afternoon shows, headings, programmes and informative quiz for the whole day, trying to cover and catch all the most important events. We also have a very interesting off-air projects. In the first place - this is our festival "INVASION", which will take place in July 2020 and the preparation for it has already entered its most active phase", - said General Director of "Media holding" Yevgeny Kiselyov.
Chapter radioaltimeter the growing popularity of jazz music in the Russian regions: "We are actively working with the regions. In 2 years turned the Radio on JAZZ FM in Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk, Great Novgorod, Dimitrovgrad, Izhevsk, Tomsk, Russia, Sevastopol, Samara. And I can say that the demand for jazz music in the regions really have. There are many jazz festivals and events. For 4 years we are holding our own event: big festival - prize "All the colors of jazz", which reward the brightest jazz artists, jazz venues, festivals and, of course, young and talented artists. Trying to combine all those involved in the around jazz Radio JAZZ FM".
The management of the "Media holding" expansion of the knowledge partnership in the regions: "we Have our own IA of NSN, which makes news on all our radio stations and holds a press conference on the most topical issues. But the most important thing is the informational partnership with the regions. We provide airtime for local news, in which our partners cover the important events of life of the region. Also plan with the help of event Agency, part of the holding, to take an active part in the life of the cities to do concerts, festivals, hold charity marathons and promotions.