Group Let two has released a new song "Butterfly"
In addition to the quarantine and the crisis of other problems humanity has no? The broken hearts has not been canceled. Attention! We decided on a love song. Good friend L. Makhova, broke up with my girlfriend and instead of an avatar photo in one of social networks posted a picture where it shows the folding knife and the words: "what kind of love, like butterflies". This inspired us to create songs about love, but without nozzle. Usually we avoid lyrical stories and encourage people to fight and improve themselves, and in this song please do not feel sorry for yourself and don't cry in case of defeat on the love front. Sometimes it's hardest, even if you are a superhero. You can put sports records, to make industrial and civil exploits, but at the same time to sit down and ugly cry after the words "we should break up". It happens and no one is immune from this. But you need to breathe, to gather and to go further. Do not let yourself break. Anyone. Including the closest.