New clips from Japan

New clips from Japan
Photo source:
twitter Leetspeak monsters

For the last 3 months Japanese musicians released a large number of new clips. Our team has selected the most interesting for you.

DIAURA - Hydra

Jupiter - Warrior of Liberation

Yumeleep (ユメリープ) - [おいのりしえすた]

ENVYL (エンヴィル) - [少女]

UVERworld - AS ONE

Alice Nine (アリス九號 ) - TESTAMENT

Xaa-xaa (ザアザア) - [死んじゃったポチの話]


THE SOUND BEE HD - First Blood

8P-SB - richard

Leetspeak monsters - Beltane



AIOLIN - Dusk Reaper

Crossfaith - Endorphin

envy - A faint new world

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - The Gong of Knockout

HERO - [魔法をかけて...]

JILUKA - Last Faith

Ainne Feria (エインフェリア) - Killing Me


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