Elena Galerkin. "City of mysteries" will be held in iicp from 7 March to 1 April 2018

Elena Galerkin. "City of mysteries" will be held in iicp from 7 March to 1 April 2018
Saint Petersburg, Museum of art of Saint Petersburg of the XX-XXI centuries, nab., 103
A visa is required:
Of the Russian Federation (for citizens of Russia visa is not required)

Museum of art of Saint Petersburg of the XX–XXI centuries presents the exhibition "City of mysteries", dedicated to the jubilee of St. Petersburg schedule and masters of collage Elena Galerkina. His artistic career the artist began work on the book. In 1970-80-ies the author creates illustrations to the works of Arkady Gaidar, Nikolay Zabolotsky, Chingiz Aitmatov. However, life circumstances (in the 1990-ies burned down her Studio, and there was nowhere to set the printing presses) made Galerkina immerse yourself in the art of collage. So there was a "paper Symphony", where each silhouette, invented by the artist characters, sounds like violin, flute or harp.

The protagonist of the works of the author is, first and foremost St. Petersburg, with its classical Baroque architecture and sculpture in art Nouveau style. Galerking the collages are transformed into festive, bright, decorative panels, in which the hometown generously colored. Favorite literary characters of F. M. Dostoevsky graphic artist transforms into minimalistic objects. "Series of objects "Petersburg of Dostoevsky" – is not a layout Kolomna, but rather its rhythms, the feeling of narrow and high stairs, huddled houses. Figurative language the author is extremely concise and therefore very bright and accurate," – Lyudmila vostretsova, senior researcher at the State Russian Museum.

Chamber exposure iicp includes more than 40 collages and art objects made of paper and corrugated Board in recent years. The artist is attracted by architectural ensembles of different cities of the world. The exhibition is dominated by dreamlike images of St. Petersburg, Venice, Riga, Helsinki.

Created specially for the Iicp applications stone cascade sculptural decoration transformirovalsya in the flying owls and marabou, roaring lions, and animated statues walking through the parks. Antique figures, masks, weathervanes and cast iron form an elegant ornament filled with lively movement. The exhibition is filled with zoomorphic characters and romantic landscapes in which the artist is most subtly expresses a sense of mystery, opening while walking through the ancient streets and embankments of St. Petersburg.

Group meeting Vkontakte: https://vk.com/gorodzagadok_misp

Group meeting in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/586430415034282/
