For the first time in Moscow! Show Blue Man Group

For the first time in Moscow! Show Blue Man Group
Small sports arena "Luzhniki"

Show Blue Man Group celebrates human relationships and connection between people. Their performances masterfully integrate art, music, humor and modern technology. This mix appeals to the inner child each of us and helps to look at the world from a new angle. Three bald of blyumen with the direct naivete of exploring what we think of as the norm, poking fun at our complexes, and we are reminded that people much more in common than differences. Blumenow supports rock band, so the unity invariably ends with a joyful climax — unforgettable, happy dance.

Show Blue Man Group is constantly updated, it is supplemented with fresh stories, new music and specially created tools. Their concerts an unforgettable experience to the children's delight, has already captured more than 35 million people in 25 countries.

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