PRANAYAMA: “We decided to isolate ourselves”

PRANAYAMA: “We decided to isolate ourselves”
Photo source:
Tanya Ash//MESIKA

In the Wake of recent events, the music industry has become one of the most vulnerable to the pandemic coronavirus. In connection with the cancellation of concerts in Russia and abroad, we decided to talk with Olga and Artem from the group of PRANAYAMA and learn how the coronavirus has affected their life.

Do you follow the news about the coronavirus?
- Of course, watch!

What you will do in the absence of the concerts?
- As in any other period, we write songs, cook, sleep till 12 noon and watching soap operas.

Do you take additional security measures?
Just in case, on arrival from Sri Lanka, we decided to isolate themselves. Although SHL was not included in the list of countries with unfavourable epidemiological situation. At the moment, it's been 2 weeks since our arrival home, we would quietly crawl out, but no... Now have to crawl nowhere. Well, sit still at home, we did not hover. And do not see sense to go outside if there is not +20 =)))

What do you think about the measures undertaken in Russia and in the world? How are things in Sri Lanka?
- Measures questionable. For example, it was strange to see on arrival, as passengers from Germany have measured the temperature of people in white suits and masks, and we arrived from SHL fenced off from potentially dangerous Europeans ... drumroll... the striped ribbon! And on the other ribbon, Luggage, swam ours, and German bags mixed up. In General, insanity is enough. We wrote the owner of the Lankan of the guest-house, where we lived for a month: they are much tougher curfew, the products to the doorstep, Europeans are forbidden to settle in the hotel. But say, the sea was azure, like the Maldives. By the way, our friends are now stuck in Malaysia, and going bombanut the world. That's right Bidnenko.

As you consider whether stricter security measures against the virus in Russia?
Yeah, I think. We have not yet experienced the peak of a pandemic as China. Therefore, the further, the we will have "fun". Oh, it feels, and it's Showtime we on my sofa for all the anguish! =))

Do you plan to make the online concert, like colleagues?
- With pleasure! Think how to implement it.

How a pandemic will affect your creativity and the music industry in General?
Your wishes to listeners.

- Great artists, we believe, very strongly break off. We were going to go to ATLа, and in General to break into wildly out upon arrival from vacation, but, alas, Spring, all tours must be, and then such an unplanned flash mob. With summer not too clear – it is likely that will cancel the festivals. And we are going to play... well, sad situation. Let's all pooem a day or two, then do useful things. Put in order the nerves, brain, health, home, relationships, think, read, drawing some pictures, write it up, we'll see. Stay healthy, friends!

Talked with the artists Sonkina Tatiana
