DIVIDED ISLAND: “You just have to endure”

DIVIDED ISLAND: “You just have to endure”
Photo source:
Tanya Ash // MESMIKA

Before the onset of restrictive measures according to the events organizers of the festival "fly away" managed to hold several qualifying rounds. But we have already to ask one of the winners about the attitude of the coronavirus and plans. Read the interview from UltraViolet (Alena) of the group DIVIDED ISLAND.

Do you follow the news about the coronavirus?

- It happens involuntarily. Everyone's talking about it. The reality outside more resembles a Hollywood film about the Apocalypse.

What you will do in the absence of the concerts?

- We have brand new material, we have already begun the analysis. Parallel to this, don't forget about our album, he's still in the Studio mixing. The level of readiness of 90%. A in addition to this dedicated time to self-education and upgrading of skills. The work goes on.

Do you take additional security measures?

- The minimum. Try not to go outside unless absolutely necessary. After a trip to the store wash my hands thoroughly with antiseptics and process all the items. Also try the clothes from in the Laundry guide.

What do you think about the measures undertaken in Russia and in the world?

- I think that's an adequate response. Moreover, the experience of other countries has already shown us that contain the spread of the virus possible. You just have to endure.

As you consider whether stricter security measures against the virus in Russia?

- I think it is inevitable, given the mentality of the country. Many do not respect the quarantine. Someone from mistrust of the authorities and everything that you see in the box, and someone is just wrong. But I'm social.the networks communicate with our foreign students from Italy, USA, Europe. They show and speak of ... terrible things. Have unwittingly believe in this reality and not deny the news from the box.

Do you plan to make the online concert, as your colleagues?

- We certainly thought about it. But for a good online concert with a heavy sound requires special equipment, so we do not stock. Might do a few songs unplugged and fulfill right from your home.

How do you think a pandemic will affect your creativity and the music industry in General?

- I hope that impact is minimal and after a couple months we'll forget all this, like a bad dream. We have scheduled a solo concert in Moscow on may 24. While it is not officially cancelled. As for the industry...the consequences are inevitable. After the captivity many will want to break into the world of sensations of the live concert, BUT...there is a new problem, economic. It is possible that not all will be able to afford the world of entertainment.

Your wishes to listeners.

I wish you all good health and common sense! And keep listening to your favorite music, music saves in difficult times.

Interviewed By: Tatiana Sankina
