Critical review of Stone composition performed by the group Red God by Helen Cherry

Critical review of Stone composition performed by the group Red God by Helen Cherry
Photo source:
the press-service of the Red God

Helen Cherry.

Journalist, promoter, PR - Manager of the group "DDT".

A critical review of the song "the Stone" performed by the band "the Red God" (with the participation of Mikhail Semenov, the group "December"):

Probably not all musicians know that success is 20% talent and 80% hard work. But the group Red God knows that for sure. From year to year it is growing in all respects. And the new track "Stone" written in collaboration with Mikhail Semenov (gr. Dec) direct proof. Everything is done very well in its format, in my opinion even particularly well, because the group is clearly appeared on your face. Well played, well sung, interesting arrangement and a bright, clear text. Musically thought out accents each semantic turn and focused mood, which creates a convex atmospheric picture. Ie, this music is impossible to imagine a different text (this is typical of other groups). Of course Michael made their undeniable contribution of professionalism to the track, so the product was high-quality and interesting.

Overall rating: 9/10