ГЛАВCLUB / Photos Place Concerts 123 Productions Photos 95 Festivals 2 Меню действий Place Concerts 123 Productions Photos 95 Festivals 2 Subscribe 0 Show filter Close The name of the album 47 photos 7race performed on November 5 at GLAVCLUB 5 ноября в столичном клубе ГЛАВCLUB с презентацией нового альбома - «Avidya» выступила группа 7раса. 06.11.2020 16:57 4342 TanyaAsh 37 photos LUMEN November 3 at GLAVCLUB 3 ноября группа LUMEN выступила с концертной программой "Электричество" на сцене столичного клуба ГЛАВCLUB GREEN CONCERT. Фотограф: Денис Болога 04.11.2020 17:20 4532 TanyaAsh 40 photos Uma2rman performed in Moscow on October 22 22 октября группа Uma2rman выступила с сольным концертом в столичном ГЛАВCLUB Фотограф: Денис Болога 24.10.2020 10:14 2113 TanyaAsh 30 photos Фогель презентовал новый альбом на своем первом сольном концерте в ГлавClub Green Concert 14 октября 2020 г. 14 октября в столичном ГлавClub Green Concert прошел первый большой концерт и презентация альбома автора хитов «Лето 17» и «Малолетняя любовь», взорвавших российские чарты — ФОГЕЛЯ! 16.10.2020 01:47 1747 Абдуллаева Анна 35 photos Yelawolf in GLAVCLUB February 27, American rapper Yelawolf performed on the stage of the Metropolitan GREEN GLAVCLUB CONCERT. Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT 28.02.2020 03:56 5302 TanyaAsh 30 photos Noize MC in GLAVCLUB On February 27 at the stage of the capital GlavClub Noizw MC appeared as a special guest at the concert of American rapper Yelawolf. Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT 28.02.2020 02:42 5818 TanyaAsh 35 photos Chizh & Co in CHABCLUB 23 February in the Moscow GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT group "Chizh & Co" gave a festive concert. Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT P. S. thank you for accreditation to the concert! 25.02.2020 00:43 6036 TanyaAsh 50 photos Zdob Si Zdub in CHAPTER CLUB GREEN CONCERT On February 21 in Moscow GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT band Zdob Si Zdub presented a new long awaited album "Bestiarium". Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT Photographer: Tanya Ash 22.02.2020 14:05 5545 TanyaAsh 9 photos DIR EN GREY made in ChaptersClub Green Concert January 25 DIR EN GREY made in Chapters slub Green Concert January 25 03.02.2020 13:52 3384 Honyakustyle 50 photos Animation performed in GlavClub December 21, group Animation celebrated his birthday and presented their new album at a concert in the capital's GlavClub. Photographer: Tanya Ash Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT 23.12.2019 20:22 5230 TanyaAsh 50 photos Bravo in Glavclub 29 Nov Bravo team performed in Moscow GLAVCLUB. Photographer: Alexey Sokov Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT 02.12.2019 23:22 4177 TanyaAsh 50 photos The Tiger Lillies at Glavclub 26 November in the capital club GLAVCLUB was made by the British group The Tiger Lillies concert in honor of its 30th anniversary. Photographer: Tanya Ash Organizer: GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT 28.11.2019 00:28 4840 TanyaAsh 50 photos Crematorium in Glavclub November 23 group a Crematorium celebrated its 36th anniversary in the capital's GlavClub. Photographer: Tanya Ash 27.11.2019 18:40 3929 TanyaAsh 50 photos Tanzwut celebrated 20 years in Moscow 15 October in Moscow GlavClub German band Tanzwut celebrated its 20th anniversary and presented their new album "Seemannsgarn". Photographer: Tanya Ash Organizer: GLAVCLUB 17.11.2019 15:16 3776 TanyaAsh 35 photos MORDOR performed in CHAPTER CLUB A group of MORDOR was made by 15 Nov on the same stage with the German band Tanzwut in the capital GLAVCLUB. Photographer: Tanya Ash Organizer: GLAVCLUB 16.11.2019 18:52 3156 TanyaAsh ← Previous Next → 1 2 3 4 Last Items 1-15 of 95